Emily Payne

UNBC Teacher Candidate


Although 2020 has been an interesting year, I am looking forward to the new opportunities brought to me in 2021. Being my final year of university, going into my final practicum with the BEd program, there are soon going to be a lot of major life changes coming my way.

Therefore, my #oneword2021 is going to be adaptability. I chose adaptability because between my final practicum for the longest period of time (10 weeks), starting to look for job opportunities as a new teacher, and applying to graduate, there are many things that I am going to have to work on and be ready to make changes where needed.

I know I need to continue to tell myself to be adaptable and that everything will work out in the end. These next few months are going to pass very quickly and before I know it, I am going to be a new teacher getting ready to start my first job with the district.


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