Emily Payne

UNBC Teacher Candidate

Standard 3

Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development.

Being able to understand and apply student growth and development is important. With all of my practicums, I have had to quickly adjust my teaching from one grade to another. Strategies that seemed to work in my previous practicums were not even applicable to my most recent practicum. Having this experience already has taught me a lot and has allowed me to focus on trail and error with the students, seeing what works for them vs what doesn’t. Along with strategies I have also had to change and adapt my teaching, such as lessons and assignments I am asking the students to complete. Although some of the main topics are consistent throughout multiple grades, how I would introduce fractions in grade 3 will look completely different than how I would introduce fractions in grade 7 due to the age range and the background knowledge of those students.

Moving forward I will continue to adapt my teachings based on what my students need in that moment. Remembering that even if I am teaching the same grade, what worked one year with a group of students may not work the next year with a different group of students.

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