Emily Payne

UNBC Teacher Candidate

Indigenous Day 2020

After an inspirational and informative day yesterday, there were a few main themes that carried on throughout the two keynote speakers and the sessions I participated in. First, was about the different techniques used to bring indigenous knowledge and stories into the primary grades. Dory Himmalspach gave a wonderful presentation about storytelling and puppetry. She was able to talk to use about how to use puppetry to tell your own stories and the specific elements needed to property use puppets to tell stories. Another great conversation was had with our second keynote speaker Dr. Niigaanwewidam Sinclair. He provided an entire document with facts, stories, lesson plans and further readings to use inside classrooms and had discussions about the difference between reconciliation and treating everyone has human beings.

All the information and stories told yesterday is needed to continue the conversation of truth and reconciliation. These conversations, discussions and stories are also needed to support teachers in furthering their knowledge and giving the resources to bring indigenous stories and knowledge inside the class permanently, meeting standard 9.

Moving forward, it is important to not stop these conversations. These conversations need to be carried into our everyday practice and new resources are always going to be needed to continue our learning and understanding.


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